martedì 26 giugno 2012


So how have I been talking about the no-self issue to my friends?

First of all: WHY look into no-self? Some people will say straight away that they don't want to look.
Not everybody values knowledge more than, say, beer. And after all, how can I criticize this point of view? The lucky thing here is that happyness (at least temporary) and wisdom seem both to follow from knowledge. And from pretty ordinary knowledge too: no need to take drugs, no need to jump from an airplane or travel through the jungle to get this knowledge. YES, you can get MORE COMFORTABLE AROUND STRANGERS by just doing something in your head, ALONE.
I usually say it's really worth it because it gives off lots of self-improvement fallout. But is it true?
Getting people to really question the I is the most difficult and time consuming task.
If they really question it with an open mind (i.e. really put the assumption that "there is a me" to test) then everything is relatively easy. People that say that they value knowledge above all else will be led here by the need to be coherent.

HOW? Well. Next post.

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